Thursday 10 November 2011


I’ve always thought that affection is never a bad thing...

When I was in Ireland, addicted to coffee like I am, I went on trying researching the best cappuccino in Gorey. I found it – Tea House, on Main Street. It’s a place that looks like a doll’s house, with scones, muffins and cakes daily made, as well as the coffee deliciously served in cute cups. Everything is delicious, including the service. So, during one year, I’ve been there nearly every week, taking along my friends and my babies (villagers) to have coffee with me.

At my very last day-off, I felt in my heart I should take a napkin and write there my affection for the place and the people there. Some days ago, a friend sent me a message saying that she had been to the Tea House and found my message framed and hanged on the wall. Then other friend went there and took a picture of that (below). The ladies that work there told him that every time that the day is not so ok, they go and have a look on the message, so they can remember that their work worth it. It’s just incredible how God can use us to touch lives, isn’t it? I still get impressed, because I’m absolutely sure that it was His idea, not mine. So, may it be like this forever. Beautiful God!

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